I am excited to say that I am now an affiliate for Crafter's Edge and the Sure Cuts A Lot program for the Cricut! I purchased this program over a year ago and I have used it so much! Some people say that you will not need to purchase another Cricut Cartridage, but I still do because I like to have more options.
The Sure Cuts A Lot (SCAL) program is a versitale program that will let you cut any font in your inventory... if you are like me, I have over 1000 fonts I have collected over the years! There are so many websites out there that offer free files to download to use in SCAL. I have made many projects, including the most recent turkey post, using SCAL. My turkey took me 45 minutes to cut, color and glue together. It took longer to wait for the glue to dry than it did for me to cut the pieces, lol!
If you own a Cricut machine, even the Cricut Cake machine, you NEED SCAL!! Let me know if you have questions and please follow my links so you can help me earn a little play money for my crafting hobbies! =o)
Sure Cuts A Lot information:
CLICK HERESure Cuts A Lot purchase:
CLICK HEREAlso, once you purcase the program, let me know and I will direct you to some awesome websites you can start downloading from! I will add them to my blog soon as well! Happy Scrapping!!